Out of SotckThis usb phone works with Skype, VoipBuster, VoipStunt, VoipDiscont, VoipCheap, Freecall, Internetcalls, NetAppel, SparVoip, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, X-Lite, Net2Phone, SJPhone, EyeBeam, Sipgate, DialPad, Firefly, Nortel IP i2050, Voiceserve, Vonage, Ubiphone, WWTelcoPhone
Key Features
1. PC-to-PC and PC-to-phone operation
2. Driver built-in, no need addtional driver
3. USB1.1 compatible, no need sound card.
4. No external power required
5. Complies with H.323, MGCP, SIP protocol
6. Caller ID function of VoIP calls
7. 199 incoming call and 199 dialed number
8. With LCD and LED show
8. Echo cancellation, noise reduction
9. Full duplex communication
10. Application support: Netmeeting /Messenger, XTen X-Lite, SJPhone, Dialpad
11. Customized hand phone casing designs available
12. One USB interface to PC
13. USB A-type connector
14. Key-in tone function

SkypeMate for windows software enables this phone to seamlessly integrate with Skype,
User Manual for skypeSkypeMate for Windows Vista(Updated on May 1 2007)
SkypeMate For Mac OS X (Released on Aug 30 06),
Skype User Manual for Mac OS X (Updated in Aug 2006)
This Mac driver was released in Aug 2006, so if you bought your MAC machine after Aug 2006, the driver will not work. We are not responsible if this item does not work with MACDownload
MSNmate for MSN Messenger(Released on May 2 07)
YahooMate for Yahoo messenger(Released on May 2 07)
X-TenMate for X-Lite & EyeBeam & Vonage(Released on May 2 07),
User Manual for X-Lite/Eyebeam,
Driver for VoipBuster & VoipStunt &VoipDiscount & VoipCheap & internetcalls & NetAppel & SparVoip(Windows) (Updated on May 2 07);
Driver for Google talk (Windows) (Released on May 2 07),
SJPhoneMate for SJPhone, (Released on May 2 07),
Driver for Nortel IP Softphone i2050 (Windows) (Released on May 2 07),
Driver for Net2Phone (Windows) (Released on May 2 07),
SkypeMate for Linux FC3,
User Manual for LinuxSystem requirements
1. P2 with 200 MHz CPU or better with USB interface
64MB of RAM
2. 10MB or more hard disk space
3. Operating System: Windows 2000/XP/Linux
4. Network: LAN, ADSL, ISDN, 33.6K modem or better
Note: We update our software frequently, please download the latest software after skype releases a new version.
This Mac driver was released in Aug 2006, so if you bought your MAC machine after Aug 2006, the driver will not work. We are not responsible if this item does not work with MAC